Hours and Tuition for 2024-2025
Hours of Operation
Rosebud Preschool is open between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Monthly Tuition is based on morning only hours, extended morning hours, or full day option. Tuition is billed in advance for each month.
Morning only Monthly Tuition (9 AM until 12 Noon)
Rosebud Preschool is open between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Monthly Tuition is based on morning only hours, extended morning hours, or full day option. Tuition is billed in advance for each month.
Morning only Monthly Tuition (9 AM until 12 Noon)
- 2 Day Tuition $292.60 per month
- 3 Day Tuition $440.00 per month
- 4 Day Tuition $558.20 per month
- 5 Day Tuition $734.80 per month
- 2 Day Tuition $389.40 per month
- 3 Day Tuition $584.10 per month
- 4 Day Tuition $770.70 per month
- 5 Day Tuition $972.40 per month
- 2 Day Tuition $443.30 per month
- 3 Day Tuition $662.200 per month
- 4 Day Tuition $880.00 per month
- 5 Day Tuition $1,100.00 per month
- An occasional additional hour is available for families who wish to arrive at 8:00 AM and/or remain until 1:00 PM. Additional hours are billed in arrears for the previous month at the rate of $11 per hour.
- An occasional single day will be $35.20 per day for morning only, $44.00 per day for extended morning, and $53.90 for a full day. These charges will be billed in arrears for the previous month.
- The yearly registration fee is $137.00. This fee is collected upon initial registration and then annually at the beginning of the new school year.
- Tuition is reduced by 10% for each additional child enrolled.
- This tuition schedule takes effect June 1st, 2023