Hours and Tuition for 2024-2025
Hours of Operation
Rosebud Preschool is open between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Monthly Tuition is based on morning only hours, extended morning hours, or full day option. Tuition is billed in advance for each month. We now offer a late pack up, "Late Owls" from 4:30pm-5pm.
Morning only Monthly Tuition (9 AM until 12 Noon)
Rosebud Preschool is open between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Monthly Tuition is based on morning only hours, extended morning hours, or full day option. Tuition is billed in advance for each month. We now offer a late pack up, "Late Owls" from 4:30pm-5pm.
Morning only Monthly Tuition (9 AM until 12 Noon)
- 2 Day Tuition $322.00 per month
- 3 Day Tuition $484.00 per month
- 4 Day Tuition $644.00 per month
- 5 Day Tuition $809.00 per month
- 2 Day Tuition $429.00 per month
- 3 Day Tuition $643.00 per month
- 4 Day Tuition $848.00 per month
- 5 Day Tuition $1070.00 per month
- 2 Day Tuition $488.00 per month
- 3 Day Tuition $729.00 per month
- 4 Day Tuition $968.00 per month
- 5 Day Tuition $1,210.00 per month
- An occasional additional hour is available for families who wish to arrive at 8:00 AM and/or remain until 1:00 PM. Additional hours are billed in arrears for the previous month at the rate of $12.10 per hour. "Late Owls" from 4:30pm-5pm, $40.00 per month.
- An occasional single day will be $40.00 per day for morning only, $49.00 per day for extended morning, and $60.00 for a full day. These charges will be billed in arrears for the previous month.
- The yearly registration fee is $151.00. This fee is collected upon initial registration and then annually at the beginning of the new school year.
- Tuition is reduced by 10% for each additional child enrolled.
- This tuition schedule takes effect June 1st, 2025